Trying to keep track of what’s happening at the DEMO startup conference beginning today? Tune in, with the help of Facebook Connect or Twitter — or both. Just go to the DEMO web site, at and click on the large button front and center that says “Watch Demo09 Live.” You’ll be taken to a [...]

Trying to keep track of what’s happening at the DEMO startup conference beginning today? Tune in, with the help of Facebook Connect or Twitter — or both. Just go to the DEMO web site, at and click on the large button front and center that says “Watch Demo09 Live.” You’ll be taken to a video feed that shows you live footage from the show, as well as Facebook status updates and Twitter messages from others who are watching. BitGravity is also powering the live video feed in high-definition starting today.

Facebook Connect, as we’ve covered extensively since it launched last year, lets you sign into and interact with other web sites using your Facebook identity. As seen with Connect’s integration on CNN’s site for the news broadcaster’s live coverage of political events, you can comment on DEMO videos, and sort status updates from everyone else watching, or just your Facebook friends. For those who prefer Twitter, the bar at the bottom of the feed shows you the “DEMOchatter” taking place in real time — any tweet that includes the hash tag #demo09. For more on Connect and its future, check out the panel I’ll be moderating at DEMO tomorrow afternoon. Rivals like MySpace will also be showing off their competing offering, MySpaceID, on the panel; perhaps we’ll have to add some more of these services next year.

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