DEMO: Primal Fusion connects your thoughts together

Posted by skk Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Primal Fusion is using semantic technology to help you with “thought networking.” What that means, apparently, is that it helps you gather relevant materials from across the internet in order to put together a term paper or research project.
The company is showing its offering at the DEMO conference this week. Here’s how it works: You [...]

Primal Fusion is using semantic technology to help you with “thought networking.” What that means, apparently, is that it helps you gather relevant materials from across the internet in order to put together a term paper or research project.

The company is showing its offering at the DEMO conference this week. Here’s how it works: You enter a topic such as “social networking.” Then it presents you with a series of words that are contextually relevant to that topic. The words are in the shape of a tag cloud, where the words are bigger if they’re more relevant and smaller if they’re less so. When you click on a word, it brings up a series of articles or other words that are relevant.

You can do the same thing to gather a bunch of relevant photos on sites such as Facebook or Flickr that are related to your topic. Then it gets interesting. You choose to “collect your thoughts,” and Primal Fusion automatically grabs the thoughts, key words, photos, and articles and puts them in a web site. Then you can act on those thoughts by putting them together in a web page or term paper. You can also create an RSS feed to get regular updates on the topics that Primal Fusion has pulled together on the web page.

Peter Sweeney, founder of the Waterloo, Canada-based company, started on the technology 10 years ago and launched the company four years ago. The company has raised $5 million in both venture capital and debt funding to date and is looking for a $16-million round. It has 32 employees. Competitors include Metaweb Technologies, Radar Networks and Siri.

“It’s a platform for bringing your thinking online,” he said. “Make the Internet work for you.”

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