Evri is using semantic web technology to generate more meaningful results for you whenever you browse through web sites or blogs.
The company’s new Evri Collections application enhances the articles, blog posts, papers, images, audio clips, or video that you’re already looking at. It does so by showing you what the article or topic is naturally [...]

Evri is using semantic web technology to generate more meaningful results for you whenever you browse through web sites or blogs.

The company’s new Evri Collections application enhances the articles, blog posts, papers, images, audio clips, or video that you’re already looking at. It does so by showing you what the article or topic is naturally connected to on the web.

If you look at a certain subject, you can click on its Evri Collections page and get a bigger picture. The page shows you what words are most commonly associated with the topic, which stories are most relevant, and other basic descriptions of it.

The Evri technology can also be built into other web sites. If you are looking at an article about Sony chief executive Howard Stringer, you can hover over Stringer’s name. Evri will then create a pop-up that shows a picture of Stringer, has a short summary bio of him, and then shows links to other stories about him.

Evri launched the service last year for searching. Now it is launching Evri Collections, which uses natural language analysis to deliver full pages of results that describe what you’re looking at, the most relevant key words that are connected with that subject, and other news results that are relevant to the site.

The company is sharing its public applications programming interface with others. It has raised $8 million from Vulcan Capital. Competitors include sites such as Inform, DayLife, MashLogic, Google’s Knol, Microsoft’s Powerset, and Mahalo. The company hopes to make money through ads, affiliate sales programs and licensing of its technology to others. The company was founded in 2007 and has 40 employees.

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