The perfect advertisement on Digg

Posted by skk Friday, March 6, 2009

Since the beginning of the social voting site Digg, it’s been a common thought that Digg users don’t click on ads. While that’s generally been the rule of thumb for sites that Digg sends traffic to, it’s not clear just how much clicking on ads Digg users do on the site itself. But judging by [...]

Since the beginning of the social voting site Digg, it’s been a common thought that Digg users don’t click on ads. While that’s generally been the rule of thumb for sites that Digg sends traffic to, it’s not clear just how much clicking on ads Digg users do on the site itself. But judging by the picture above, someone is on the case making it as tempting as possible.

Digg is completely taken over by “Watch The New Trailer” ads for the new Star Trek film right now. That in and of itself might be worthy of a click for a lot of Digg users, but the fact that the current most dugg item of the day is also a story about the new Star Trek trailer, makes this ad a great one.

Clearly, Digg users are interested in seeing this trailer, so why not give them even more immediate access?

And not only are the ads on the top of the site both for the Star Trek trailer, but the ad unit on right bottom right of the page is one as well. For those keeping score at home, that’s four places to see the new Star Trek trailer on one page.

Microsoft is currently in charge of Digg’s ads.

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