7 Billion People promises to personalize the web shopping experience for — you guessed it — all of the nearly 7 billion people in the world.
The company’s WebLegend product is an e-commerce add-on that web shopping sites can incorporate into their selling processes. The Austin, Tex.-based company analyzes the patterns of behavior that a user [...]

7 Billion People promises to personalize the web shopping experience for — you guessed it — all of the nearly 7 billion people in the world.

The company’s WebLegend product is an e-commerce add-on that web shopping sites can incorporate into their selling processes. The Austin, Tex.-based company analyzes the patterns of behavior that a user exhibits upon visiting a shopping site, and responds accordingly.

If you click first on technical details, WebLegend will remember that. If you click first on something else, WebLegend will remember that. The next time you go to the shopping site in question, WebLegend will serve up the content that most suits your tastes. The company demonstrated how this could work with a site like Amazon.com (which is not currently a customer). In a window on the right-hand side of the screen, you could see the different characteristics that WebLegend was tracking about the shopper. The bars in the chart changed with every move the user mean. This means its assessment is literally recalculated with every single click.

You would think that companies already do this. But they don’t. Rather, they treat customers coming from the same age group or same region the same way, presenting the same web pages to people regardless of the kind of behavior they exhibit on a site. That’s why the company claims that 97 percent of shoppers abandon a purchase once they start browsing on a site.

WebLegend, by contrast, presents the screens you want to see most, like recommendation for accessories that work with a camera you just browsed. Mark Nagaitis, 7 Billion People’s chief executive, said that customers who have tried the feature out have seen big results. Shoppers are now 50 percent more likely to complete a transaction when visiting a site with WebLegend.

The company says secondary customers include Omniture, Sitebrand, Certona, Unica and Interwoven. 7 Billion People raised $2 million from the Heritage Opportunity Fund and $3.8 million in second-round funding from SmithCo Investments and Heritage.

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