Video: The credit crisis simply explained

Posted by skk Sunday, February 22, 2009

While most people realize that the credit crisis has been the key factor in our country’s economic disaster, and we’re all familiar with some of the keywords like “sub-prime”, a lot of people out there probably don’t have a real understanding of what exactly it all means and how it came about. Those people should [...]

While most people realize that the credit crisis has been the key factor in our country’s economic disaster, and we’re all familiar with some of the keywords like “sub-prime”, a lot of people out there probably don’t have a real understanding of what exactly it all means and how it came about. Those people should watch the following video made by Jonathan Jarvis, a student at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, for his thesis project.

Dubbed “The Short & Simply Story of the Credit Crisis,” it’s exactly that. For those with a firm grasp of the problem, it might not add much, but for many people this will serve as a great overview on what happened and a good illustration of why there’s no easy solution.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

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